

Home Made Cheap Chocolate Ice Cream without wipping cream,freshmilk

This Chocolate Coconut Milk Ice Cream is life-changing. It’s rich and creamy, and entirely dairy-free! All you need is 4 simple ingredients to make it.

For an extra-fun sundae, be sure to try my Magic Shell or Peanut Butter Magic Shell topping. The peanut butter addition makes it taste like a peanut butter cup sundae!



  • (13.5 oz.) can full-fat coconut milk (400 mL)
  • 1/2 cup cacao powder (36 grams)
  • 3/4 cup pure maple syrup (241 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (5 grams)

  • ❤Coconut Milk. Use full-fat canned coconut milk. Don’t use the kind you’d buy in the refrigerated section, or a can of “lite” coconut milk, or you won’t get a classic, creamy ice cream texture.

  • ❤Cacao Powder. I tested this recipe with raw cacao powder, but I think dutch-processed cocoa powder will work similarly.

  • ❤Maple syrup. This natural sweetener works really well with chocolate flavored desserts, and it keeps this ice cream vegan-friendly. You can use honey, if you don’t need a vegan dessert, but keep in mind the honey flavor will be more noticeable, so you might want to start off with just half of the amount called for here.

  • ❤Vanilla extract. This boosts the overall flavor, but is optional.

Feel free to add in any extra flavorings you like, such as peppermint or almond extract, too. I’d start with just a 1/4 teaspoon at a time, and add more to your liking.


1. Blend. Add the 4 ingredient to a blender, and blend until completely smooth.

Note: If you don’t have a blender, you can whisk the ingredients together in a bowl until no clumps remain. Just make sure the coconut milk is totally smooth, as it can often separate in the can, and it’s important that it is totally creamy for the best ice cream results.

2. Freeze. You’ll get the best results if you pour this mixture into an ice cream maker and let it run for 30 to 35 minutes, until thick and creamy.
The ice cream will still be relatively soft (like soft serve) after running in the ice cream maker, but it will firm up if you transfer it to an airtight container and store it in the freezer for 4 to 6 hours, or overnight. It stays amazingly scoop-able, compared to other coconut milk recipes I’ve tried

3. Enjoy! Scoop the ice cream into a dish or cone, and dig in! I love the rich chocolate flavor, which hides most of the coconut flavor.

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