

Uncle Rikuro's Cheese Cake Japan / Popular cheese cake in japan

Rikuro's Cheesecake is an Osaka bakery renowned Japan-wide for fresh and fluffy cheesecakes. Excluding train station outlets, all cheesecakes are baked fresh and in-store, filling the surrounding streets with sweet aromas passersby can’t resist!

There aren’t any Rikuro's Cheesecake shops outside Osaka, so if you’re exploring the vibrant Kansai metropolis, don’t miss out on getting your cheesecake fix!

Uncle Rikurou's freshly baked cheesecake" has been famous in the local market since 1984 for its fluffy texture and delicious taste. Since then, its reputation has spread nationwide, and it is now known as Osaka's famous confectionery.

The unique fluffy texture is created by using carefully selected ingredients such as richly flavored cream cheese directly imported from a traditional Danish factory, eggs under strict quality control, and freshly shipped milk. The sweet raisins on the bottom also add to the deliciousness.

Most of the stores have their kitchens and always sell freshly baked cheesecakes. So when the bell rings, it means newly baked cakes are ready. You can also watch the pastry chefs branding the cakes in front of you.

Make sure you keep the cake in a cool, dark place and eat it the day you bought it, or within three days if you keep it in the refrigerator. Although freshly baked cheesecake is our best choice, chilling it locks in the flavor and gives it a deeper taste. If you heat it in the microwave, you can enjoy the fluffy texture again, so it may be fun to try both ways.
Uncle Rikuro's Cheesecake is only available in Osaka, so don't miss it if you're visiting the area.


  • 📌140g/5 oz. Castor Sugar
  • 📌6 Egg Whites.
  • 📌6 Egg Yolks.
  • 📌50g (2 oz.) Butter.
  • 📌250g (9 oz.) Cream Cheese.
  • 📌100ml (3 fluid oz.) Fresh Milk.
  • 📌1 tablespoon Lemon Juice.
  • 📌60g (2 oz.) Cake Flour/Superfine Flour.
  • 📌20g (1 oz.) Cornflour (Cornstarch).
  • 📌¼ tsp. Salt or Cream of Tartar.

  • How to make 

Pre-heat oven.
Sift flour and cornflour together, add salt to it.
Lightly grease and line the bottom and sides of the springform cake tin with baking paper. Wrap the outside of cake tin with 3 – 4 layers of aluminium foil to prevent water seeping into the springform during baking.

  1. Melt cream cheese, butter and milk over a double boiler. Cool the mixture. Fold in the sifted flours, salt, egg yolks, lemon juice and mix well.
  2. Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy. Add in the castor sugar and whisk until soft peaks form. Do not over-beat the egg whites. They should look glossy.
  3. Add the cheese mixture to the egg white mixture and fold to mix well. Pour into a 8-inch round cake pan. Tap the Springform a few times – this is so that you wouldn’t end up with huge bubbles in the cake.
  4. Put cake onto a tray filled with some hot water. Bake cheesecake in a water bath for 1 hours 10 minutes or until set and golden brown at 160°C (325°F).


Tips and Variations:

Always pre-heat the oven before you do any baking!

Not everybody’s oven is calibrated properly, so use an oven thermometer to be sure. Alternatively, understanding the way the cake baked on your first (or first few) try can help you learn to adjust your oven’s setting to its best effect!

Use hot water for the water bath.

Do not remove the hot cake out of a baking pan immediately or the cake may collapse. Let cool for 15 minutes before doing so.

Keep baked cheesecake in covered container in the fridge and consume within 3 days. It can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Substitute Lemon Juice with Orange Juice.

Replace 20g – 30g Cake Flour with respective amount of Matcha (Green Tea Powder) or Cocoa Powder.

Alternative Temperature and Baking Time:

For this type of cheesecake: Do not bake the cake too quickly at high temperature – baking cake at a lower temperature will help the cake rise much higher and bake more evenly. If you have problem with your baked cheesecake at 160°C, you can try baking the cake at even lower temperature, at 135°C for 30 minutes and then increase the oven temperature to 150°C and continue to bake for another hour, thereabout.

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