

Make treacle By Coconut water

 Let's make Treacle from coconut water.
                                Do you break coconuts and throw away the water in your house? Coconut is the most used thing in making sweets in our homes for the new year as well as in almsgiving. But we throw away the coconut water. Here is a sweet that can be made using that coconut water. The taste of this is similar to Kitul honey, but this is not Kitul honey or coconut honey, this is a honey made by using coconut water.

So you can use this honey in the dishes prepared using Kitul honey.

It is also great to eat Curd(buffalo milk)


  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1/4 cup of sugar

How to make this ..👇🔰

Put coconut water and sugar in a bowl and put it on the stove. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar. When the mixture changes color and becomes sweet, take it off the stove.

If you watch the video below, it will be easier for you to make the honey that I have taught you today.
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